Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Traditional Batik Design History Tuban

Fewer craftsmen threaten the existence of batik. Because the fewer people who develop this art. All this resulted from the minds of the craftsmen batik on income earned is not commensurate with what has been created. Traditional Batik Tuban is one of the cultural work whose existence is still acceptable. Due to the high aesthetic value of cultural content in it was clear and batik is a product that has its own peculiarities.

Therefore Traditional Batik Tuban this needed to be conserved. Batik has a unique style yan culture. Because in the history of the region have signed three cultural values ​​that affect each other. The three cultures are

1. Java, which now permeate this region in the power of the Majapahit era (XII-XIV century)
2. Moslem, because this region lived a renowned scholar of Sunan Bonang (1465 - 1525 AD)
3. Chinese, as in the rest lascar Tuban kubalai khan army fled from defeat when attacking Javanese in the early XII century, until now many people are descendants settled in Tuban.

Third culture has influenced the pattern of community life Tuban until today. The motive of this Tuban Batik Traditional cultural values ​​are embodied third. The pictures of birds in Tuban batik motifs clearly visible influence of Chinese culture, because the bird image on batik dimotifkan the Visible is a bird "Hong" which clearly does not exist in Tuban area. Being clearly visible on the flower motif is traditional motifs that has long been made in almost all areas of Java island. While the influence of Islam in Tuban batik motifs seen in the motifs with a religious name, such as barnacle italics.

Use of this batik is on the table cloths, pillowcases, decorations, wall hangings, models modist clothes for both men and women. Whereas previously only used for batik is a traditional ceremony, but with the development of time the function is transferred. Therefore Batik Tuban should be developed for its existence is not threatened with extinction.
Traditional Batik Design History Tuban

Traditional Batik Design History Tuban

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