Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some Special Ways of Improving Productivity Designers

homedesi9n.blogspot.com - As a designer needed expertise that continues to grow, rather than declining. To increase the productivity of designers needed some special tips. And when running the tips, then you are the designers to increase productivity. There are 11 tips that you can run as a designer.

1. Planning

Planning is the best thing to save time and become more productive. You should spend more of your time to plan what is most important thing to do, what is less need and then specify where the job can not be postponed. Making plans and sketches in doing a job is important.

2. Use the To-Do list

To-Do "list helps to stay organized and focus only on important matters. Also a tool to remember the things that you usually forget to do it. Such as telephone calls, e-mail replies etc. You can use real-post-it notes or the virtual.

3. Get rid of disorder

Sometimes it is very difficult to start your job because of many distractions that consume time and attention. If you really want to be productive and focus on bekerjam time, turn off Skype, IM, web (or other applications that you use for Twitter). Also check emails and facebook updates every 5 minutes is your greatest enemy of productivity. Disruption could have a TV, radio, or even family pets. So look for places where you can be comfortable and productive as possible and start working.

4. Make your self-discipline

Make a realistic form of discipline and what is more important, try to work on things like that. For example, set the time to check Facebook, Twitter and email account. Set a time limit to read blogs, news or other things that you like.

5. Do not work too much

You will be more productive and the quality of your work will be in prime condition. Do not try to work 12-18 hours / day because eventually you will be much slower, your mind will be somewhere outside of work and what is most important from the quality of the work will be lower. Research membutikan that work less than 6 hours in a day will make a person happier, more productive and healthy. Indeed, not everyone can do it, but with effort we can do it, at least to reduce the burden of work.

6. Work in short time

Technique 25 minutes of work. Make a period of 25 minutes, 30 minutes or 40 minutes and work, just focus on the job, yes it is difficult, but then you will have adequate rest, drink a cup of water or breathe fresh air outside, is not that motivating?

7. Always focus on a single task (Serial)

If you make a business card, so design the business card, but do not try to write a blog post or creating a logo at the same time. The reason that makes sense is first, you will do it with low quality, you will lose the second and third concern - you'll spend more time doing tasks in parallel, because you spend a few seconds to switch from Photoshop to a text editor or dashboard blog on Your browser etc.

8. Think about your goals

Before starting the job think about your most exciting goals and motivate you, for example you want to go to Bali for your next vacation so you think about solar, wind ditamani glass of juice, ice, waves, relaxation massage and maybe you will enter your mood into the scope of work and in the end you will be more productive.

9. Listening to music

Listening to music at work is not for everyone. This may apply if you are someone who likes listening to music while reading. The most important thing is that you must choose a genre that does not distract you and do not take your attention to your design work. Music will help you to become more productive or creative (music that evokes passion and motivation).

10. Stay Organized

You are a designer, developer, illustrator anything, you use the resources (resources). Textures, patterns, fonts, icons, vector, drawing pictures of all things that exist in your hard drive. Every time you try to find where they are and you'll spend a lot of time. Create a folder, such as Design, Code, Graphics, and put all files into that folder. Do not be too regulated, do not create folders too much because it is not smart and you will spend a second open and close the folder, seconds become a matter of minutes and even hours in the long term, for example you have ten folders that do not need, you spend 0.5 seconds to open and 0.5 to close it.

If you use them every day: 10 folders x 0.5 seconds x 2 x365 = ~ 1 hr / year just to open a folder! Think about this. If you need to create a shortcut on your desktop but again not too much because it can make the work of your favorite wallpapers covered, if possible, use a global keyboard shortcut to get into that folder, have a lot of software that cover this issue.

11. Use Templates

Do not try to create anything at any time. If you are a web designer create a blank psd templates in the same resolution, add the guidelines, grids, create groups and save them in PSD format for future projects. Think about how much time you spend every time you perform these tasks. Similarly, your graphic designer, using a template is not something despicable or degrading the quality of your design. Minimal template should produce something different impression must be handled properly, not all character templates for each product on a different project instead? They have the impression and image of their own.

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